My love for the golden retriever breed began 18 years ago (in 1999.) with my first girl, Nina. I got Nina strictly as a pet but as we grew together I realised that golden retrievers would be my only choice.
That is when I learned about the Dewmist kennel and decided to make one of their dogs my family. Then for the first time I got opportunity to meet the honorable judge and breeder Mr. Henric Fryckstrand.
With Nala (Dewmist Serricella) my interest grew and we decided to participate in our first show. My girl won Junior BOB. Then and there I became certain she would not be my only golden retriever. When Nia (Dewmist Cape Acadia) joined our family we became regular participants in dog shows. And I must confess that young lady continues to make me very proud. In all that I must express my gratitude to Mr. Henric Fryckstrand for his continues advices and guidance.
Nowdays, we own the Mystiala kennel where our dogs live as a part of our family (that includes sharing our bed with them sometimes ) with the best of care. We live in Zagreb next to the beautiful forest of Maksimir where we enjoy taking long walks. Each summer we commute to our summer house on the Croatian island of Pag. There the girls express their true golden retriever nature, enjoying a swim in the sea every day.
If you find our little story interesting you are welcome to take a further look at our web site.
Love Mystiala
Diana Delonga
tel: +38598303212
E- mail: Mystiala
Member of Croatian Kennel Club / Hrvatski Kinološki Savez
Member of Croatian Retriever Club / Retriver Klub Hrvatske